Configure Radio QoS Wireless Multimedia Policy

Use the WMM tab to define the access category configuration (CWMin, CWMax, AIFSN and TXOP values) with respect to the type of wireless data planned for this radio QoS policy.

  1. Go to Policies > Radio QoS > WMM.
  2. Configure or modify Voice Access parameters for the radio QoS policy as described in Voice Access Parameters.
    Table 1. Voice Access Parameters
    Parameters Description
    Transmit Ops Use the slider to set the maximum duration a device can transmit after obtaining a transmit opportunity. When resources are shared between a Voice over IP (VoIP) call and a low priority file transfer, bandwidth is normally exploited by the file transfer, thus reducing call quality or even causing the call to disconnect. With voice QoS, a VoIP call (a real-time session), receives priority, maintaining a high level of voice quality. For higher-priority traffic categories (like voice), the Transmit Ops value should be set to a low number. The default value is 47.
    AIFSN Set the current AIFSN between 1-15. Higher priority traffic voice categories should have lower AIFSN values than lower priority traffic categories. This will cause lower-priority traffic to wait longer before attempting access. The default value is 1.
    ECW Min The ECW Min is combined with the ECW Max to create a contention value in the form of a numerical range. From this range, a random number is selected for the back off mechanism. Lower values are used for higher priority traffic. The available range is from 0-15. The default value is 2.
    ECW Max The ECW Max is combined with the ECW Min to create a contention value in the form of a numerical range. From this range, a random number is selected for the back off mechanism. Lower values are used for higher priority traffic. The available range is from 0-15. The default value is 3.
  3. Configure or modify Normal (Best Effort) Access parameters for the radio QoS policy as described in Normal (Best Effort) Access Parameters.
    Table 2. Normal (Best Effort) Access Parameters
    Parameter Description
    Transmit Ops Use the slider to set the maximum duration a device can transmit after obtaining a transmit opportunity. For higher-priority traffic categories, this value should be set to a low number. The default value is 0.
    AIFSN Set the current AIFSN between 1-15. Higher priority traffic voice categories should have lower AIFSN values than lower priority traffic categories. This will cause lower-priority traffic to wait longer before attempting access. The default value is 3.
    ECW Min The ECW Min is combined with the ECW Max to create a contention value in the form of a numerical range. From this range, a random number is selected for the back off mechanism. Lower values are used for higher priority traffic. The available range is from 0-15. The default value is 4.
    ECW Max The ECW Max is combined with the ECW Min to create a contention value in the form of a numerical range. From this range, a random number is selected for the back off mechanism. Lower values are used for higher priority traffic. The available range is from 0-15. The default value is 6.
  4. Configure or modify Video Access parameters for the radio QoS policy as described in Video Access Parameters.
    Table 3. Video Access Parameters
    Parameter Description
    Transmit Ops Use the slider to set the maximum duration a device can transmit after obtaining a transmit opportunity. For higher-priority traffic categories, this value should be set to a low number. The default value is 94.
    AIFSN Set the current AIFSN between 1-15. Higher priority traffic voice categories should have lower AIFSN values than lower priority traffic categories. This will cause lower-priority traffic to wait longer before attempting access. The default value is 1.
    ECW Min The ECW Min is combined with the ECW Max to create a contention value in the form of a numerical range. From this range, a random number is selected for the back off mechanism. Lower values are used for higher priority traffic. The available range is from 0-15. The default value is 3.
    ECW Max The ECW Max is combined with the ECW Min to create a contention value in the form of a numerical range. From this range, a random number is selected for the back off mechanism. Lower values are used for higher priority traffic. The available range is from 0-15. The default value is 4.
  5. Configure or modify Low (Background) Access parameters for the radio QoS policy as described in Low (Background) Access Parameters.
    Table 4. Low (Background) Access Parameters
    Parameter Description
    Transmit Ops Use the slider to set the maximum duration a device can transmit after obtaining a transmit opportunity. For higher-priority traffic categories, this value should be set to a low number. The default value is 0.
    AIFSN Set the current AIFSN between 1-15. Higher priority traffic voice categories should have lower AIFSN values than lower priority traffic categories. This will cause lower-priority traffic to wait longer before attempting access. The default value is 7.
    ECW Min The ECW Min is combined with the ECW Max to create a contention value in the form of a numerical range. From this range, a random number is selected for the back off mechanism. Lower values are used for higher priority traffic. The available range is from 0-15. The default value is 4.
    ECW Max The ECW Max is combined with the ECW Min to create a contention value in the form of a numerical range. From this range, a random number is selected for the back off mechanism. Lower values are used for higher priority traffic. The available range is from 0-15. The default value is 10.
  6. After you have completed configuring the settings, choose from the following actions:
    1. Select Revert to restore default settings or restore the last saved settings.


      You cannot restore default settings after applying or saving changes.
    2. Select Apply to commit the configured settings.


      This does not permanently save the settings you configured. If you perform a Reload (warm reboot), applied settings will be lost.
    3. Select Save to commit and save the configured settings.


      If you do not select Apply or Save, the settings that you configured are not saved when you move away from the configuration window.